Cornflake Cookies

I had some leftover cornflakes from before and didn't know what to do with them since I normally don't have time in the mornings for breakfast. So I googled for some cornflake recipes and found one for cornflake cookies.  Perfect, I though to myself… I get to use up my cornflakes and I also get to bake something I've never tried before… 2 birds, 1 stone…

This cookie experiment turned totally disasterous… When I got home, I realized that I didn't have 1 of the ingredients that the recipe asked for - cornstarch (you can't leave *anything* unopened in HK, that's all I'll say about this). So I decided to be adventerous and use a substitute for it which was potato starch. I'm not sure if this is the exact reason for this whole disaster but I'm sure it was a contributing factor. The other 2 mistakes that I made was using the horrid Ambassador butter (seriously, it has no taste!) and the super sweet Taikoo sugar (not sure why it was so sweet).

So you're probably wondering how badly did the cookies turn out… well… I'm sure you have some kind of idea.  They were sickly sweet, dense bread cookie things… totally not what I was expecting! Each one was bite-sized and even that was too much… the cookies were so heavy that I'd had enough with just one. I couldn't make myself serve these mutant cookies to anyone so the rest went in the bin.  O well… live and learn…

In case you are interested, the proper cookie recipe is below (not the experimental one that I tried). 

200g butter
150g sugar
2 eggs
300g plain flour
60g cornflakes (coarsely crushed)
1 tsp vanilla essense
30g cornflour/cornstarch


  1. Beat butter and sugar till pale and creamy.
  2. Add vanilla essence.
  3. Stir in the lightly beaten eggs.
  4. Fold in the flour mixture including corn flour. (Mixture must not stick to our hands when touched.)
  5. Using an ice cream scoop, scoop out about 1 teaspoon of the cookie dough and roll it into the crushed cornflakes.
  6. Transfer them to a baking tray lined with parchment paper and bake for 25 minutes at 350F or till golden brown.


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