Honeydew Sago Sweet Soup

This summer has been so hot… I had to stop baking for a while otherwise I'd just melt away… But I really wanted to make dessert and asked L for some suggestions. She gave me the best idea ever and it doesn't even require an oven!  It's honeydew sago sweet soup… absolutely delicious and relatively easy to make.  It does make a slight mess though since you need to cut up and blend the melon.

Below is the recipe I used… In order to use up the entire melon and the package of sago pearls, I ended up modifying the original recipe a little (and it actually turned out ok)!  Slightly thicker than I would have wanted but then the original taste was still there. Highly recommended for a hot summer's day…

1 honeydew melon (medium)
1 cup sago (tapioca pearls)
1/2-1 cup sugar (depending on how sweet your honeydew is)
1/2 cup water
1 cup coconut milk
1/2 tsp salt


  1. Put water and sugar into a small pot and boil till sugar dissolves to make a syrup. Cool.
  1. Put a big pot of water to boil (to hold about 7 cups or more of water).
  2. Add sago to water and cook on med-high heat. Stir occasionally.
  3. Sago is done cooking when it looks translucent, about 8-10 minutes.
  4. As soon as sago is done, pour it out into a fine-mesh colander and rinse with cold water.
  1. Cut half of the melon into chunks and blend till smooth (using an electric blender).
  2. Dice the remaining half of the melon into small cubes.
Assembling the Dessert:
  1. Put the melon cubes and the melon juice together in a large bowl.
  2. Add the coconut milk.
  3. Add the cooled sago.
  4. Pour in the sugar syrup little by little, to adjust the sweetness.
  5. Add the salt.
  6. Stir it all together and chill.


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