
I'm so excited because now... I have an oven again!! Yaaaaaaaaay! Thanks L & J!!  I already have a few things lined up... So expect to see more blog updates (well let's see how long this baking streak lasts this time)...

I got asked a few times where my dessert ideas come from. Honestly, if you haven't guessed by now, I'm quite random in the desserts I make. Take the Palmiers as an example... I was inspired to make them because my colleague bought some and I wondered if I could do a better job than the bakery. I was just not satisfied with the ginger juice, chewy "fusion" version of it. Gross!

I opted to follow a classic recipe which uses a pre-made puff pastry base. Boy, was this easy to make and the result was a nice crunchy cookie... totally happy with it! Below recipe makes around 20 pieces.

1 puff pastry, 24cm x 24cm
1/4 cup caster sugar
30g melted butter


  1. If the puff pastry is frozen, make sure you thaw it out completely (1+ hour).
  2. Sift and sprinkle about half of the sugar over your work area.
  3. Roll out the puff pastry.
  4. Lightly brush melted butter on the pastry.
  5. Sprinkle another half of the sugar over the pastry.
  6. Fold the sides of the square towards the center so they meet halfway in the middle. Fold them again so the two folds meet exactly at the middle of the dough. Then fold 1 half over the other half as though closing a book. There will be 6 layers.
  7. Let the pastry chill in the fridge for at least half an hour.
  8. Preheat oven at 200C (392F) or 180C (356F) fan.
  9. Cut pastry into strips about 1.25cm (1/2 inch) in thickness. Lightly brush melted butter onto each side. Pinch and press the sides of the two rolls together to ensure that they don't unroll during baking.
  10. Place on baking tray lined with baking paper. Leave about 5 cm (2 inches) between each because they will increase in size after baking.
  11. Bake for about 20-30 minutes, turning once at the last 10 minutes, until the sugar has caramelized and looks golden brown.
  12. Allow them to cool on a rack for 10 minutes.


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