Chocolate Chip Banana Bread (Revisited)

Ok so I've never really been successful with banana bread in the past 2 times I've made it. The first time it came out all oily and the second time it was very rubbery. But this time, I finally got it to work!! It had a nice flavour, the texture was ok and it was not oily... The only problem was that it gotten eaten so fast that I forgot to take a picture of it. Oops... so you're just gonna have to take my word on it that it looked appetizing.

I got the recipe from another newly discovered blog called Christine's Recipes. She even has step-by-step photos of how the dough should look. The most important part of the recipe is not to mix it too much when adding the flour in. I still had bits of white flour in the batter when I poured it into the baking pan.

Anyway below is the modified recipe which I added chocolate chips to... just love the Hersey's semi-sweet chocolate chips! They make everything taste great...

[Update on 27-May-2013: I got super ripe bananas this weekend and decided to make banana bread with them. So now I have a picture to show you guys how it looks! I used brown sugar this time and made sure not to over-mix the batter so that it turned out just right. The outside was crispy and the inside was soft. My only regret is not adding more than 1/4 cup chocolate chips!!]

1 1/2 cups plain flour
4 ripe bananas (170g)
76g unsalted butter, melted
67g caster sugar (or brown sugar for a darker colour)
1 egg, whisked
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp baking soda
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 cup milk (or 1/2 cup, depending on the thickness of the batter)
1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (or more, depending on your sweet tooth)

  1. Preheat oven to 175C/350F.
  2. Smashed the ripe bananas in a large bowl with a spoon or process in a food processor.
  3. Use a wooden spoon or spatula to combine melted butter with the smashed bananas.
  4. Stir in sugar, whisked egg and vanilla.
  5. Add 1/4 cup of the milk first, then combine well. If the batter is too thick, add more and adjust the amount as you go.
  6. Sprinkle the baking soda and salt in the mixture.
  7. Stir in sifted flour, one third at a time. No need to stir too hard, just fold and incorporate all ingredients thoroughly.
  8. Add in chocolate chips and leave a few to sprinkle on the tops of the mixture once it's in the baking pan.
  9. Transfer mixture into a greased 4x8 inch baking pan. Bake for about 1 hour.


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