Butter Cookies / 車厘哥夫曲奇 (Revisited)

Wow it's been forever... well almost... =P I didn't really bake much in 2012... and if I did it was mainly from a box of pre-mix. Is that lazy or what? Well now that I'm not working and have more time, I've gotten back into baking. For some of the recipes that I've tried in the past (and failed), I've gone back and re-done them again with better results!

Since it was CNY, I decided to try to make butter cookies again with slightly better success. They ended up a bit flatter then I would have liked... But I think it's because I was impatient and I accidentally melted the butter instead of letting it sit and soften to room temperature. Oops... well they were still melt in your mouth delicious and people enjoyed eating them.

I still did have a bit of trouble using the piping bag though and I really am thinking of getting an electronic one the next time I'm in North America. Argh... Using it is such a hassle that it's almost not worth it! Anyway, see the recipe below... I halved it from the original recipe from a newly discovered blog... Pig Pig's Corner.

Ingredients (makes around 20 cookies):
100g unsalted butter, softened at room temperature
25g icing sugar
75g plain flour
25g corn flour
1/4 tsp vanilla extract

  1. Beat butter and icing sugar until creamy.
  2. Sift in flour and corn flour, mix well until a soft dough is formed.
  3. Scoop dough into piping bag and pipe dough evenly on baking tray.
  4. Bake at pre-heated oven at 180°C for 13-15 minutes or sides are lightly browned.


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