Fungus Papaya Sweet Soup / 雪耳木瓜糖水

I have been so lazy about this blog... can't believe it's been months since my last post!  It's not that I've stopped making desserts... I've been doing that every so often but just haven't gotten around to writing about the experiences.

Anyway I dunno what possessed me, but one day I decided to try and make a classic Chinese sweet soup... fungus papaya sweet soup. I know it doesn't sound too appetizing... fungus in soup?! Yah... I guess you just have to try it... don't judge a book by its... name... =P Luckily this seems to be quite a popular Chinese dessert so I was able to find several recipes translated into English. I tried to pick the most "authentic" recipe as possible and made some minor changes. I split the simmering of the ingredients into 2 steps because if you cook papaya for too long then it'll just fall apart. Also, the rock sugar might burn so that's why it's in the 2nd part as well.

BTW, this Chinese dessert is supposed to be very nutritious and good for the skin! =)

20g snow fungus (or 1 flower)
6 red dates, stoned
1 tbsp + 1 tsp sweet southern almond
1 papaya, ripe (small - medium size)
50g rock sugar
1L water


  1. Soak the snow fungus in hot water for 30 minutes until soft. Break into small pieces while removing the thick dark yellow base.
  2. Boil the water and add the washed almond, de-stoned red dates and fungus into the pot.  Simmer on medium for 1 hour. 
  3. Cut the papaya into cubes and add to the pot along with the rock sugar. Continue to simmer for another hour.


Tev said...
October 2, 2010 at 11:37 AM

Looks yummy, simple too!

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