I'm Still Alive...

Hello!  Have not posted anything for quite some time now.  I was out of commission for the last little while… well actually my computer was out of commission.  I busted up the LCD screen on my netbook and it took them 1.5 weeks to fix it.  Argh… can you imagine the frustration of not having a home computer?

Anyway during this time, I managed to bake 2 things… but you might be disappointed to find out that these were pre-mixed goods! Boo… I know… I should have had more time to bake with my home computer in the 'hospital'. But I actually found myself going out more instead of staying at home.  Can you blame me?  =P

But I'll still post pictures of what I made just for your interest.  One of them was chocolate chip oatmeal cookies which came out a bit hard since I tried to make them into bite-sized pieces and baked them for too long.  Last time I made them, I added chopped almonds and that seemed to make the cookies come out more chewy and moist. I would really recommend adding some sort of nuts to it to give it a bit of variety.

The other thing I made was jam-filled chocolate muffins… but they didn't exactly turn out that way. =P  I had some freeze dried strawberry pellets that were supposed to turn to jam once baked.  I guess I didn't put enough pellets into each muffin so the "jam" just disappeared.  The muffins did have a tinge of strawberry taste to them though.  O well… I think next time I'll just put real jam inside the muffins. =P

A bit belated, but I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and relaxing time off!


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