Black Sugar Steamed Cake / 黑糖糕

I tried black sugar steamed cake when I went to Taipei 2 years ago and just loved the chewy QQ texture and mild sweetness of the black sugar. Though HK is a food paradise, I'm not sure where I can get black sugar steamed cake here. So I thought why not try to make it myself?

I wanted to use a recipe that was as authentic as possible so I found this one that was posted on a TW government website. The only problem was that it's all in Chinese! Doh! =|
Well, being the Google queen that I am (heehee!), I was quickly able to find this brilliant website which translated most of the common Chinese ingredients into English. Another issue that I had was that they were using a Chinese measuring system. I easily found out that one catty (一斤) = 600g and 1000cc = 1000mL. I decided to halve the recipe and voilà!

Below is the recipe I used.  Note that I made minor adjustments to the recipe so it's not a complete translation of the one on the government website.

Don't be alarmed by how ugly my cake looks… what happened was that I started steaming it in a big pot but the cake expanded so much that the top part stuck to the lid and wouldn't come off.  =( I ended up rummaging through the cabinets and trying to figure out what to do when I found out that we have a wok at home. Oops…

The cake came out a little denser than I would have liked coz of the incident.  Also, I think I didn't turn the heat high enough and so there wasn't enough steam in the beginning. O well, it was still edible! =) Practice makes perfect... 

300g plain flour
150g potato starch
300g black sugar
20g baking powder
500mL warm water
Toasted white sesame seeds

  1. Sift the black sugar into the warm water.  Let it dissolve completely and cool.
  2. Sift plain flour, potato starch and baking powder into a bowl. Add into the black sugar water while stirring gently.
  3. Pour mixture into a mould and steam on high heat for 18-22 minutes.
  4. Once it's done steaming, sprinkle toasted white sesame seeds on top.


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